Carter X2 Images
We are Eddie and Lesia Carter. We were both born in North Carolina, moved away, and then returned. We share a passion for life and love the pursuit of the perfect picture. Our shooting styles are different…but those differences compliment each other to bring out the best images possible.
For Lesia, the most exciting moment is downloading the images from camera to computer and watching the pictures come to life. She sees each baby through the eyes of an adoring mother, each child through the eyes of a proud parent and each bride through the tear-stained eyes of a best friend, called Mom.
Eddie likes to document events. He thinks of the shoot as a memory of the day, a record of the event, captured on film. He enjoys the technical side…making the camera capture the same image that is in the mind’s eye. He tries to capture the personality on film.
Between the technical and artistic, our goal is to give you pictures that you will treasure forever. We also hope that you can’t wait to share them with your friends and family.